Sara Halevi, MA

Sara Halevi, MA is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist specializing in the treatment of Fibromyalgia and chronic illness. A Fibro Warrior herself, Sara has spent more than a decade creating and implementing an effective treatment protocol for people with Fibro. She has lectured on the treatment of Fibromyalgia in the US, Europe and Israel. She is the author of three books on the subject, “Solving Fibromyalgia: A Practitioner’s Guide to Treatment,” “A Warrior’s Guide to Fibromyalgia,” and “Everything Tracker: The Ultimate Comprehensive CBT Toolkit,” which she co-authored with her daughter, Liora Sophie. Sara is the mother of four adult children. You can connect with her on social media and attend her free lectures and webinars on the Internet.

FibroConsulting’s online school is devoted to improving the treatment of Fibromyalgia for everyone. We do this by offering courses for people living with Fibro, the people who support them and for practitioners who want to learn more effective treatment options. Fibro is a painful, debilitating and complex condition. At FibroConsulting we believe that Fibro can be treated, and that everyone deserves respect, support, attention and great care.

"I SO related to it, identified with it, soaked it in. YES! Someone understands me!" 

- Shari M